The Port of Algeciras concluded the first half of the year with more than 52 million goods handled, which represents a decrease of 3.8% compared to the same period of the previous year.
The Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras (APBA) highlighted that of this total, 28 million tons were merchandise in containers. The general decrease in traffic is mainly due to the reduction observed in bulk, which totaled 13 million in liquids and almost 300,000 tons in solids, representing a decrease of 58%.Regarding container traffic, it exceeded 2.3 million TEUs, 0.5% less than in 2022. However, the 18% increase in full import containers stood out.
Passenger and vehicle traffic in the Strait showed outstanding performance during the first half, with traffic of 1.9 million people (an increase of 76.4%) and 389,789 vehicles (an increase of 96.2%). Especially notable was the increase in shipments from the Port of Tarifa, which on its twentieth anniversary as a Schengen External Border, recorded a growth of 266% and 216% in passengers and cars respectively, with a total of 470,432 passengers and 57,791 cars.
Finally, freight traffic by truck and semi-trailer with Ceuta and Tangier Med reached 254,483 units, 1.4% less than in the same semester of the previous year. Rail traffic during this period totaled 414 convoys and 22,289 TEUs, with destination or origin in Abroñigal, Azuqueca, Zaragoza and Marín.