Sync custom operations

As leaders in customs services, we are aware of the critical importance of production chains in the automotive industry. Our “just in time” commitment guarantees the security and synchronization of customs operation for production chains in international operations. Technology and systems at service of efficiency.

Automotive industry is a globalized and highly competitive sector. Logistics is a critical factor for its competitiveness. For this reason, Europea Group has created a new division, Europea Automotive, dedicated exclusively to efficient customs management for the automotive industry. We accompany them in specific tax and customs procedures, with closeness, efficiency and precise knowledge for the efficient management of customs in this industrial sector.

Large industries and auxiliary companies rely on European Automotive for their customs procedures between manufacturing centers in Europe and Third Countries. We are specialized in specific classification analysis and advice on customs legislation. We are leaders in customs services with a team specialized in the automotive sector.

Europea Automotive is the first company specialized, exclusively, in the customs transit of the automotive sector and the best partner for the manufacturers in these procedures.

We are part of Europea Group.


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